Tuesday 30 July 2019

Lawer's Case Presentation + Vocabulary + Poem

We have done the above three items today.
  1. We listened to Gloria Gaynor's song and gave the first assignment based on this song. You will submit this assignment (600-1000) words by the next class, which is on coming Sunday 4th August.
  2. We discussed a good number of Vocabulary which I took from 100 word list and the Class XII English Book. 
  3. We read and discussed the poem "Delight in Disorder" when someone asked the meaning of the word "Wanton."
  4. I was a little bit worried to see that NOT a single student brought any Notebook for use in FSD-2 class. This notebook is going to be an important part of your next 6 minths. So, get one. 
  5. To encourage class perticipation, I will bring ONE notebook every class and award it to the best participant. 

Monday 29 July 2019

Introductory Note for FSD-2

Welcome to FSD-2 Classes of 2019.

I already have 2 classes with you and I am very glad that you are taking FSD-2 classes with some interest. We even had an extended class that ran for almost 2 hours. Just to review our works here is a summary of what we had done in the past two sessions.
  1. First class was on a list of instructions on how students should manage their English Reading.
  2. I also gave you a list of poems for leisured reading and enjoyment. 
  3. We discussed a few Vocabulary from a list of 100 words.
  4. In the 2nd class we discussed some poems that can be found in Class-XII English. It was done in order to prove that learning language is heavily dependent on reading literature of ALL types. These include Short Stories, Poems, and Novels.
  5. We discussed the concept of Panopticon in modern context. 
  6. In our discussion on Robert Frost's poems we shifted to Nehru's death-time note which was the final quartet of Frost's "Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening".
  7. We disscussed the unofficial Course Contents of FSD-2 and will discuss the contents of FSD-3 in the next class. 
  8. We listened to the "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow ..." recitation from Macbeth.
  9. We have also decided to go through the central themes of two more Shakespeare plays - Othello and King Lear.
  10. I requested 5 students of the class to select 5 more students and form 10 Vocabulary Clubs. They will practice Vocabulary for 10 minutes Every DAY. 
  11. Now, here is a Task / Assignment. Listen to this song and "Write a statement presenting a case against abusive partner of the singer Gloria Gaynor.  
  12. Here is the link to the song I Can Survive.
  13. Students who arrive 5 Minutes after I enter the class, will NOT be given Atendence.