Monday 4 February 2019

4 People on the Stage

Today I was happy to send a total of 4 students on the stage and they showed good interaction with the rest of the class. I also asked Faisal, who is often so busy with his buddies discussing important matters, to help me out in practicing VOCABULARY. I handed out one 1 set of Vocabulary page for 1 pair of students. The ideas is, each will help the other to read and remember the words. The word list given today is really COMPREHENSIVE and can make you forget that you do NOT have a strong vocabulary. I also asked Saikat Dev Nath and Saad to read out part of the Course-description that I am currently working on. They did a great job! Finally, I also asked Marwa Kazi to read out the methods of getting rid of social media. She initially denied having the moral authority to do so because she is probably one of those who are forever glued to the social media. I hope if some of you become aware of the use-lessness and use-fullness of social media, you will have a HUGE amount of time left to you. Finally, I and Fahad (my guidance counselor) singled out 10 people who misunderstood the 2000-word assignment and I advised them to come up with the challenge of completing the task.  As a compensation to help them out to face the challenge with optimism, I have reduced the word-limit to 1000 for these 10 students only. [মাত্র কয়েকটা কথা লিখলাম, এতেই ২৫০ শব্দ হয়ে গেল!]

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