Monday 25 February 2019

Our Works Done in Class Yesterday

Yesterday (Monday), we did a couple of regular items.
  1. First, there was a small lecture on the structure of "periodic sentence". I gave a few examples from Kate Chopin's novel "Awakening", where the writer writes a very long sentence with multiple explanatory additions after each segment. Those segments are also marked with COMMA. 
  2. "Awakening" was later handed over to Sadia, who will probably read the book. I also learned from her that she started "God of Small Things" several times but could not finish. I think this is one issue I want to pick up right after the Mid-term is over - the issue of not being able 
    to finish a LONG Reading.
  3. Later, we worked on a small writing sample based on Chart/Grid/Graph. This type of writing was first introduced in class IX-X English Book. However, it was also commented that such writings are TOO primary to be included in an Advanced Level course. 
  4. Finally, we worked on the remaining areas of Vocabulary. I found many of the students did NOT bring 100 Words Page, which was earlier distributed. I will again work on this next day, which is tomorrow. 
  5. After the class I had a short meeting with a couple of students and we discussed the possibility of launching the proposed Magazine/Journal so as to improve English Reading and Writing. We also discussed the options for starting the Business Theatre Project.   


Selina said...

The book was handed over to me, Sir.
Selina jahan.

Shahidul Mamun said...

Thank you Selina.