Wednesday 13 March 2019

Creativity and Capitalism = Rise of Creative Class

Dear FSD-3 Students, 

I had been a long-time reader of online Magazine LitHub, which recently published a very interesting Essay on the connection between Capitalism and Creativity. The essay also explains how Creative Class is going to take over a BIG chunk of Tomorrow's Work will be taken over by the Creative Thinkers. 

I am hereby posting the link to the LitHub Creativity v. Capitalism. This is very much connected with (1) Critical Thinking, (2) Strategic Thinking, (3) Innovation, (4) Entrepreneurship. Considering all these, I feel that OSL students must groom their creative abilities at ALL COST. 

If you want we can give a 10 minute lecture on this issue in our next class.

Here is the Amazon Review of the Book - which I slightly edited for Clarity.

The national bestseller that defines (explains) a new economic class and shows how it is key to the future of our cities. The Rise of the Creative Class gives us a provocative (উষ্কানীমূলক) new way to think about why we live as we do today - and where we might be headed. Weaving (mixing) storytelling with masses (huge amount) of new and updated research, Richard Florida traces the fundamental theme that runs through a host of (a number of) seemingly (আপাতদৃষ্টিতে) unrelated changes in Modern Society: the growing role of creativity in our economy. Just as William Whyte's 1956 classic The Organization Man showed how the organizational ethos (প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক চরিত্র) of that age permeated (অনুপ্রবেশ করে ছড়িয়ে পড়া) every aspect of life, Florida describes a society in which the creative ethos (সৃষ্টিশীল/সৃজনশীল চরিত্র) is increasingly dominant. Millions of us are beginning to work and live much as creative types like artists and scientists always have - with the result that our values and tastes, our personal relationships, our choices of where to live, and even our sense and use of time are changing. There are the nearly 38 million Americans in many diverse fields who create for a living - the Creative Class. The Rise of the Creative Class chronicles (লিপিবদ্ধ) the ongoing sea of change in people's choices and attitudes, and shows not only what's happening but also how it stems from (সূচিত হওয়া) a fundamental economic change. The Creative Class now comprises more than 30 percent of the entire workforce. Their choices have already had a huge economic impact. In the future they will determine how the workplace is organized, what companies will prosper or go bankrupt, and even which cities will thrive or wither.  

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