Sunday 3 March 2019

Mayday , Mayday

This is a mayday call for everyone. 

I roughly went through ALL the answer-scripts of our yesterday's class. It seems that there is a General lack of understanding about what makes a good answer script. I also woke up into the horrific realization that students do not share a sense of responsibility about the way they belong to one of the top public schools of higher learning in the country. There is a prevailing sense of nonchalance regarding the cost of their working behaviour. After this comment, I shall now identify certain observation that led me to these comments.
  1. Writing quality is at a very preliminary stage. There are just a couple of exceptions, none of who show absolute control of language. 
  2. There is a false sense of what makes a GOOD Script. 
  3. Analytical ability is almost absent - again with a couple of exceptions. But even these exceptions are not of the finest brand.
  4. Quality of handwriting is absolutely substandard. 
If you people want to move forward, you MUST be able to invest the remaining time of FSD-3 by engaging in good amount of Reading and Writing. Here is the first TEXT for you to read in the next 24 hours. Please invest your time and energy. 

Clear Link for Metamorphosis
Illustrated Metamorphosis = you can find a good amount of picture and a short intro for Kafka.

1 comment:

noor said...

I have read this Novella within 3 hours and I had difficulties understand ing what is going on? With his wewriti style I don't get what he is saying, but I i understand what is going on with the whole the Manager the sams a the mother and everything but I liked when he suicide d and his sister also took a new job as a salesman. Is it like . Chokrakare ghurtei thakbe type ER kisu ?