Monday 18 March 2019

Only for Those who are Obnoxiously Ambitious

All of you got a copy of Sophie's World. Make this Book the beginning of your journey for the next 50 Books. I will take short Class Tests on Sophie's World in the next ONE Month.

আমাদের পরবর্তী ক্লাসগুলোতে অবশ্যই নতুন বই-দু’টো সঙ্গে আনতে হবে। দ্বিতীয় বইটা আগামীকাল পাওয়া যাবে।

ভুলে যাওয়া যাবে না।


Unknown said...

sir, I remember you said that you will teach us some tricks to finish reading term paper or books as fast as possible. It would be great if you talk about this too in tomorrow's class.

Anonymous said...

Sir could you recommend some medieval age history books? Fiction or non-fiction both will do

noor said...

I am having critical time with Sophie's world. His story telling approach is addicting but I got dishearten to see the number of pages still I have to finish. Loving Democritus s Lego part. And why the world is as It is.still now I am not sure am I reading a philosophy book or a history book, a science book or a novel. I think I am somewhere in between.