Tuesday 2 April 2019

Letter to the Non-conformists

Dear Student,

Subject: Regarding your failure to submit all 3 assignments given so far in FSD-3 course over the past two months  

I hope you are fully taking advantage of FSD-3 Course. Under this course you are required to submit as many as 5 assignments. Three (3) assignments have already been given in the class. Unfortunately, you did not submit any of the assignments, nor did you give any acceptable reason for non-submission.

Under the circumstances, you will not receive any score out of 30 (10+10+10) in three assignments. There will be 2 more assignments that will carry 20 marks. If you fail to submit any of the five assignments, you will not be allowed to take part in the forthcoming FSD-3 Course Final.

I really want you to take good note of this letter to you. If you face any difficulty in writing this assignment, explain it in the following part of this page. Separate this part and submit immediately in the class.
Best wishes,

Shahidul Mamun
FSD-3 Course Teacher
Department of Organization Strategy & Leadership, DU

Submit this part to the Course Teacher
Name & Roll of Student:   ……………………………………………………………………………..
1.     I could not submit any of the 3 assignments because …

2.     For writing the assignments, I need help in ...

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