Wednesday 10 April 2019

Saturday WRITING Workshop | More Announcements to Follow

This Saturday (6th April), a Writing Workshop was held in Room No 9064 with eight participants. Among other things we discussed the follwoing:
  1. Art in the Age of Industrial Reproduction (in connection with modern men's ability to focus on fast-moving images)
  2. Sleep-wakeup-breakfast cycle
  3. Food Box for students who spend full day-time out of home
  4. We worked on a couple of Writing Exercises
  5. We also discussed a few films where men and women working under modern ecnomic systems are discussed - all these films are Directed by Satyajit Roy. 
  6. The participants received Note-books with the compliments from Expolink Resources Ltd. The note-books are specially produced for Expolink's YES (Young Entrepreneurs' School) initiative.   
  7. We have also decided that there will be at least ANOTHER Writing Workshop in this month. 
  8. The second workshop will specifically focus on Presentation Skills and Professional Writing. 
  9. We had Refreshments as well!

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