Saturday 17 August 2019

Writing Complex Sentences and Embedded Clauses

Here is a great link to writing Complex Sentences. Writing complex sentences will greatly improve your ability to show REASONING in your writing. American poet Emily Dickinson has a great poem that begins with a Complex Sentence -
"Because I could not stop for Death -
He kindly stopped for me- ". Here is a video link to this WONDERFUL poem.

There are three main ways to join clauses to make complex sentences. By using:
  • (1) relative pronouns – that, which, who, whose.
  • (2) conjunctions (subordinating) – while, because, although, as, when, until, unless, through, by, since, whenever, if, where, before, etc.
  • (3) verb structures (non-finite) – (participle) verb forms that end in –ing or –ed or an infinitive verb form such as to go, to become, to see.

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