Tuesday 22 January 2019

An Invitation to Theatre Evening

All students are cordially invited to the Theatre Evening at বাংলাদেশ শিল্পকলা একাডেমী। It may be mentioned that the play is based on one of our greatest novelist আখতারুজ্জামান ইলিয়াস -'s most important novel that came out in the context of Social and Political changes in the early 20th Century. The program will be attended by noted littérateur and novelist Khaliquzzaman Ilias.

Students are advised to attend the play and WRITE a full review of the play. The BEST Review will receive a grand prize. Everyone should participate and as participant shall receive Detailed Comment on her/his Report.

Here is some music for us
L'Indifference - Cafe Accordion
Italian Instrumentals
Opa Tsupa
Tres Lagrimas [this is perfect Writer's Melody]
and finally, a Sarod Recital
Debasmita's Sarod

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