Monday 21 January 2019

What we did Yesterday - What we do Tomorrow

Our yesterday's class was a mixture of 4 things.
    Lord of the flies এর ছবির ফলাফল
  1. We talked about a few books - Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, and HBR publication On Leadership.
  2. We also briefly discussed a few sentence structures. You must remember that these will be included in your coming tests. 
  3. Finally, we discussed a few Figures of Speech - Simile, Metaphor, Allegory, Symbol, Buildungsroman.
  4. I also hurriedly gave you names of three poems, which I believe will improve your understanding of Language. These poems are - (a) There is No Frigate Like a Book, (b) Because I could Not Stop for Death, (c) Darkness by Byron.
  5. I have been trying to make you work hard in just ONE area - READING. It must be understood that if you do NOT read every day for at least 40 min, all our effort will be lost. 
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we shall mainly work on two things.
  1. I shall give a Questionnaire on your self-assessment of your English
  2. We shall Read-Understand-Use 50 English words that are used in advanced level writings. 
  3.  I will also check - how many of you have got this Writer's Notebook.
  4. I will also briefly discuss a new poem titled The Unknown Citizen by my favourite poet W. H. Auden.

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