Sunday 27 January 2019

First Step into Intellectual Living

The first titles should be very attractive to those who are HIGHLY ambitious. These are for those who have leadership qualities, which they want to use for making changes in areas they find erroneous. Here is a book that you start with in Bengali and then go an English Language Book on the same subject.

সেইসব দার্শনিক
Sophie's World (সোফির জগৎ)

Image may contain: textNow, we shall look at a special genre - Satire (বিদ্রুপ). Satire is quite popular with great writers. But, if your pen has too much venom, you may look a quite pessimistic (দুঃখবাদী). We shall compare two texts and see similarity and dissimilarity.

  1. মাছি মারা কেরানি
  2. A Modest Proposal (একটি ভদ্রগোছের প্রস্তাবনা)
In the end, I want you to look at this letter from a person whose brother appeared in BCS exam as many as 8 times and the consequences of these on his life.

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