Monday 28 January 2019

Group Works and Assignments

proposal এর ছবির ফলাফলGeneral Assignment: Everyone will send me an Email on the following theme:

Write a 1-page proposal for starting a Morning Walk Group

  • Length can be anywhere between 200-600 words.  
  • There should be an attractive heading.
  • There should be 3 to 4 subheadings to make it look nice.
  • If you are unsure - then just follow this pattern.
    • Introduction
    • Goal
    • Benefits
    • Probable ways of Support
I am very happy to acknowledge that today's class seemed more tightly listening. I have already made 4 groups based on the roll numbers. 

Group No [The following Students will Report respective Group's English Reading/Writing practice]

A - Ahnaf Raidah - This Group will make 3-min Presentation on Simile & Metaphor
B - Tofayel Ahmed - This Group shall make 3-min Presentation on Satire
C - Yalid Aman - This Group shall make 3-min Presentation on Unknown Citizen
D - Saimum Sairas - This Group shall make 3-min Presentation on Allegory

Here is a list of Students who are eager to improve their Analytical Ability with Poetry Reading
Shuvo Dev | Shahab Uddin = Both read a poem in 3 Min and explain the lines. 
Ahnaf Raidah | Arman Majumder Fahad = Chose a poem and explain it.
Shaonty Dev |  Saikat Dev Nath = Choose a poem by Keats
Kazi Faisal Arefin |Marwa Kazi Mohammed = Choose a poem by Byron
Sajrin Sultana = Read Rabindranath's poem বিদায় অভিশাপ - 5 minutes. 

I am also waiting for the names of Volunteers who will be in charge of improving their assigned Group's VOCABULARY performance. I have already met 5 persons today and there should be another 3 persons. The 8 persons are supposed to email on the class email address. 

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