Thursday 28 March 2019

Our Next Classes + Saturday Workshop Materials

We will have exactly 10 classes before the FSD-3 class is winded off. In this 10 classes, I intend to work on the following materials. The materials are prepared based on your feedbacks.
  1. Vocabulary - 10 Min [Everyone MUST bring 100 Words List]
  2. Sentence Openings
  3. Long Essay Writing
  4. How to read and remember Difficult Academic Texts
  5. Writing Advanced Letters [Omar Faruk will help me]
  6. Writing Academic Essays [Faisal Arefin will assist me]
  7. Presentation Skill & Public Speaking
  8. Sophie's World - every class 10 Min [Different Students will help in Reading]
  9. Poetry Reading [for improving thinking in English]
  10. Benefits of reading Novels - Selina and Sanjoy will assist me. They will present the storylines of Awakening and Lord of the Flies before the class and explain whether Reading improved their ability in expression. 
Our Saturday Writing Workshop will focus on the follwoing things:

How to Construct a Complex Sentence
How to put a Thesis for a Paper
Writing Grant Proposal
Writing Business Proposal 
If you have weakness in the above you are strongly encouraged to apply. Only 6 more positions remaining.

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