Wednesday 28 August 2019

The Story of the Kenyan Lion

This is the story of a Masai tribesman. He challenged his own limitations. Here is the story of the beginning of a new life.
Lessons from a Lion

Monday 26 August 2019

Writing Workshop

Following Students are requested to talk to me to decide a day when we can arrange a 1.5 hour workshop. This list has been provided by our workshop Coordinator Ayasha Binti (Batch 2).
  1. Jnnatul Baki Mim
  2. Najmul ALam
  3. Farhad
  4. Sayma Akhter Shanta
  5. Injamamul Hoque
  6. Yasir Ahmed
  7. Ila Samajjita
  8. Nurul Arafat
  9. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
  10. Adnan Molla

My Antonia - For BRAVE Readers

This novel is for the BRAVE readers of my class. Please find linked a novel I have loved all these years. One critic has said that the novel shows how the "heroic universe" is much the same in Greece, and England, and in Nebraska, the geographical setting of the novel. This novel is for those who love challenging themselves and who believe that life is all about fighting against everything and then realizing that this fighting must end in Tragedy. This is the core of human life. The second link is a discussion of the novel, and I believe that you will find this discussion excellent after you finish reading the novel first.

My Antonia - this edition has footnotes and difficult words explained.
Discussion of the Novel - My Antonia

What Do I Bring to Class

Please bring to class a LOT of things. A willing heart. An active mind. A pair of eyes full of smile that could also linger on your lips. And few other things, which are listed below.
  1. Notebook
  2. Handouts
  3. Rhodri Jones
  4. Pencil Box
  5. Half-litre Water
When you are in class try to ANSWER questions. Listen to the readings, try to love poetry, make stories in your mind when you listen to a text. USE your new confidence in English in other subjects. And READ a lot.  
Find out in which Vocabulary Group you are, and work on Words-Words-Words. Use these new words in your everyday talk. Make fun with these words. Talk about these new words. Laugh at them, and then love them. 

Saturday 24 August 2019

Taking CARE of My Brain

TEDx talk on the following

  1. Lessons from Brain Scans
  2. What are the POWER Food for Brain = 40 min walk 3 days a Week for Improved Memory and Reverse Brain Shrinkage
  3. How FOOD control Brain Activity
  4. Cure Chronic Illness and Reverse AGEING
  5. Speech in Indian English [A Case Against Pesticides]
  6. Living with Less  [How can I live a better live with less and less]
  7. 7 Secrets to Turbocharge your BRAIN
The above TALKS are not simply some talk on brain activity and food, it is also about how to Speak to an interested and motivated Audience. So, follow how DIFFERENTLY the speakers speaks. Which speaker speaks most effectively for YOU?

A few SMALL things about Bertrand Russell

In the last DOUBLE-class we discussed a few things about Bertrand Russell. Here are the links to two of the short writings that we covered in the class.

  1. How to Become a Man of Genius
  2. What I have Lived For
Here are some Russell Quotes - notice the Sentence Structures. 

Saturday 17 August 2019

Writing Complex Sentences and Embedded Clauses

Here is a great link to writing Complex Sentences. Writing complex sentences will greatly improve your ability to show REASONING in your writing. American poet Emily Dickinson has a great poem that begins with a Complex Sentence -
"Because I could not stop for Death -
He kindly stopped for me- ". Here is a video link to this WONDERFUL poem.

There are three main ways to join clauses to make complex sentences. By using:
  • (1) relative pronouns – that, which, who, whose.
  • (2) conjunctions (subordinating) – while, because, although, as, when, until, unless, through, by, since, whenever, if, where, before, etc.
  • (3) verb structures (non-finite) – (participle) verb forms that end in –ing or –ed or an infinitive verb form such as to go, to become, to see.